
What is a Climatic Chamber and how dose it Work

A Climatic Chamber or an Environmental chamber is a confined space to test the effects of weather on certain products like industrial and electronic devices and biological commodities. Likewise, it is a replica of all the weather that a product can go through from its production to delivery. Additionally, a controlled system operates it. Consequently, we can also increase the normal conditions to examine the product’s durability.

Climatic Chamber

What is Climatic Chamber testing?

Climatic Chamber testing involves two major steps. The first step is to test the product under normal conditions that the product might encounter on its journey. In addition, the products are subjected to Thermal Shock testing, which tests their durability by exposing them to unrealistic weather conditions. For this reason, they conduct the Climatic Chamber test in a regulated and controlled manner, unlike Thermal Shock Testing.

The conditions in which we do thermal shock testing are:

  • Extreme Hot to Extreme Cold
  • Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation
  • Moisture
  • Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation
  • Salt Spray
  • Vacuum

We can decide on the product’s durability and stability based on the quality of the product after this test.

Types of Climatic Chamber

While a climate chamber is used to test products, several types are available depending on the usage. We have listed a few below.

  • Constant Climatic Chambers

Chambers that maintain constant climates maintain the weather for a longer period of time. In these chambers, the products are tested to see how likely they are to fail. Furthermore, they record the level at which the products will decompose. Uniquely, this data is then used to make alterations to the product’s quality. Climate Chambers delivers the much-needed superior quality.

  • Dynamic Climatic Chambers

They design these dynamic climate chambers for rapid temperature changes. We use these in thermal shock testing as they keep on changing the temperatures at regular intervals. They can record the reaction time of all these products. We use Dynamic Climate Chambers in the aerospace industry.

  • Bench-top Climatic Chambers

Bench-top climate chambers are comparatively smaller.  Moreover, this makes it one of the most efficient chambers, as we can install them in a compact area. We usually find Benchtop Climate Chambers in labs. As these are compact, we can transport them to any location. This feature aids in testing the raw materials of electronic devices.

  • Walk-In Climatic Chamber

These are the largest of all chambers, primarily used to test large specimens. In relation to their size, these chambers are well built, with no leakage or moisture entering them. Walk-in climate chambers are so huge that they can even fit in a car.

Types of tests

Every chamber offers different ways to test a product. Likewise, we have mentioned a few methodologies below.

  • Humidity Climate Tests
  • Corrosion Tests
  • Altitude Testing
  • Water Testing
  • Thermal Shock Testing
  • Temperature Testing

How Does a Climatic Chamber Work?

Different processes manage different parameters of a climatic chamber. For example, they test the temperature with a refrigerator/freezer and an electric heater. Markedly, to replicate humidity, they use ultrasound technology and water vapor. They use a salt spray to replicate the corrosive effect of the sea. Similarly, they stimulate every condition through a mechanical process.

Uses of Climatic Chamber

Food and Beverages

Globally, food and beverages are the largest industry. As a result, packaged food and drinks are the staples of this century. We use climatic chamber testing to test these products for an accurate expiry date. Under those circumstances, it would be ideal to use a bench-top climatic chamber in this case as it would allow for a more accurate analysis.


Raw materials involved in any construction site need to be checked twice before investing, as it is a matter of safety. Hence, we can estimate the weathering conditions of the blocks and assess the quality of the cement. This will prevent any mishaps in the long run.

Pharmaceutical Products

Medicines and drugs are among the most vital yet vulnerable products on earth. In effect, we need to take care of it right from the beginning. For this, climatic chambers are the go-to solution. Along with medicines, the same apparatus also tests cosmetics.

Aerospace Industry

The testing of aerospace pieces of equipment for defense is performed through climatic chamber testing. Consequently, the major parameters that are checked are humidity, vibration, and altitude. Almost all the aerospace industries do not approve a product before conducting climate testing, thus popularizing climatic chambers.

Climatic Chambers have enormous uses in almost all essential fields. We primarily use them in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, and aerospace industries.  Thus, they test these products in various methods, including parameters like humidity, temperature, water, vibrations, shocks, etc. From a broader perspective, climate chambers are essential since they determine how long a product lasts. In contrast to other products, climatic chamber-tested products gain customer confidence.

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